Removal of implant
Some women will be dissatisfied with their breast implant and will request removal of the implant. They may be having pain if there is capsular contracture or have significant asymmetry. It is worth remembering that following the removal of an implant, the breast becomes deflated and the nipple position may as a result drop (droopy). To correct this may require a breast lift or mastopexy.
Removal of the breast implant is usually undertaken under a general anaesthetic and may be a day case procedure or an overnight stay. The capsule is removed and sent for analysis.
With a lumpectomy we will be looking for a healthy margin of tissue around the breast lesion. The size of this margin will vary and it would be sensible to have a discussion with us prior to surgery. If the margin of tissue is less than what we would recommend, we may recommend further surgery (to re-excise the margin). In certain cases, this may result in a mastectomy.